Lewisburg Alphabet: B is for Blossoms

Welcome to the Lewisburg Alphabet!The weather is warming up, the days are growing longer, my favorite ice cream place has opened for the season... Friends, it seems that spring is upon us, and there is little that is more glorious than Lewisburg in the spring. And spring flowers are nice, but we get some incredible flowering trees.Right now, even as we speak, this is happening outside my front door. Dig my ornamental pear tree.Ornamental pear tree will soon be ornamented.And look at my squat-but-hardy hyacinths.Every year, they struggle back up.And ooh, Lordie. I've got a punk rock pussy willow in my back yard.BUGGER OFF! -- It seemed to say.But in a few short weeks, Lewisburg will be bursting at the seams with flowering trees and blossoms. (And pollen; local peeps, stock up on Claritin now.)My ornamental pear will be stylin' in my front yard.It really looks like this outside my front door. Hashtag not a movie set.The pussy willows will be furry and lush.Oooh, fuzzy.And all over town, it will look something like this.Just a mosey down the pretty street.And speaking of pretty streets...blossoms 1-001The Miller's spectacular magnolia will be in bloom.This thing deserves its own zip code.Meanwhile, down at the river...Gigantic tree, in full bloom.And check out this bee, having its way with the flowering tree by the Lutheran church.*Literally* doing what comes naturally.Lewisburg in the spring. Blossoms everywhere! This is what I get to toddle around in every day, and I feel so fortunate. It's a visual feast that I am happy to take part in.Come back soon to see what's in store for C!


Travel Theme: Dazzling


Travel Theme: Sensory