Travel Theme: Pathways

Ailsa's travel theme this week is pathways, which of course is one of my favorite things because they're inherently liminal.  Maybe I've got an overly-developed sense of romanticism about pathways and roadtrips...though I don't think so...but I always think of that Fellowship of the Rings quote:It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to.And so.From an overpass looking down onto a train yard in Cleveland.107-001In the park outside l'Orangerie in Paris.  Please note: the lady is carrying a parasol.  A parasol.  And I don't care if it's actually an umbrella multitasking as a parasol.  It's still a parasol.This picture delights me every time I look at it.My niece and nephew, in training for future adventures down pathways of their own.  At Knoebel's, one of the greatest amusement parks in all the land (not that I'm biased).World's most controlled road trip.The Grand Canal, Dublin, which connects Dublin with the River Shannon, the longest river in Ireland and a major thoroughfare for...oh...pretty much all of time. Located right next to it? The Grand Canal Hotel (wonder where they came up with that name?), which was a pretty swanky spot to stay.  That was where I had literally the best and spendiest veggie burger I've ever eaten.sc00bb833e-001

And...home sweet home.  We have loads of enticing back roads around here just open to imagination and exploration.

Ever forward!What pathways have you taken?


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