Scenes from the Rail Trail: October 12, 2014

Oh, it was a glorious day for a bike ride!IMG_0246-001I suited up and hit the rail trail a few days ago. It's turning to fall now, and that means...well, of course it means that the leaves on the trees are turning spectacular shades of gold and red and orange. But it also means other plants are changing. Drying up, or exploding into fuzzies. Pulling out one last gasp of color. And in the meanwhile, all these plants are busy adding a deep, rich sense of texture to the trail. Call it nature's Halloween decor, if you will.IMG_0254-001Whether the colors are vibrant or subdued, they're all a visual treat.IMG_0265-001It can look surprisingly like an oil painting.IMG_0271-001And there's berries far out into the sky and the leafless trees. Kind of like looking at the Hubble Deep Field images. Only different.IMG_0281-001I never noticed how well black walnut pods match their nubbly leaves, but there you have it.IMG_0291And then there's a poof!IMG_0295-001And a pow!IMG_0297-001And a...uh...IMG_0298-001The trees were in a full-spectrum onslaught of pretty.IMG_0316And there were a few spokey-looking...I have no idea what these things are. But I sure do dig their style.IMG_0318-001Even your basic, standard-issue corn is getting into the groovy-texture act (with a little help from a neighboring plant).IMG_0324-001And a vast army of wilting sunflowers still manages to look stunning (though perhaps slightly dejected) in the afternoon sun.IMG_0326-001The thing is, pretty much no matter where you look on the rail trail you'll see something that will catch your eye. It's not hard to find something of interest, when you're surrounded by this.IMG_0333If you want to find out some more information about the Buffalo Valley Rail Trail, you can visit them on the web here, find them on Facebook, or Twitter away. The BVRT is owned and operated by the Buffalo Valley Recreation Authority and may be contacted via email or telephone 570-524-4774.And to play you out, here's local singer/songwriter KJ Reimensnyder-Wagner's ode to the BVRT, appropriately titled:"Meet Me On The Rail Trail".See you there!


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