Black Sheep
Black SheepMost decidedly NOT the Chris Farley political farce, “Black Sheep” is a horror movie that takes place on a sheep farm in New Zealand. And it features:1) A mad scientist.2) An offal pit full of discarded, chemically treated (and still chemically active) sheep remains.3) A slip and fall into said offal pit.4) Man-sheep love (off-camera, you pervs).5) Genetically/chemically altered, bloodthirsty sheep.6) Humans that mutate into were-sheep.7) Sweeping views of the luscious New Zealand countryside, with nary a hobbit in sight.Need I go on? I’ll say it again—were-sheep.If seeing something craptastically awesome were measured in pieces of delicious candy, then after watching this movie I would have THE HALLOWEEN SWAG OF THE GODS, a pile of candy large enough to make the dentists of the world wail with misery. Which makes me sort of happy, because I generally don’t like dentists (though the one I have now is really very nice). See it. I can promise you—it’s unlike anything you’ve ever seen before.